Book Review: Turtle Crossing


Turtle Crossing

Author and illustrator: Rick Chrustowski

Number of pages: 32 pages

Reading level: 9-12

ISBN: 10: 0805074988

Price: $13.22


     The book’s cover is what caught my attention.  I could tell that the book was going to be very interesting. The book is about turtles hatching out of their eggs and living on their own.  

     The author starts with information on turtles, like a pond is home to an ancient snapping turtle

    The illustrations in the book are amazing. The cover illustration is about the struggles of a cute little turtle as it tries to cross the road, but can’t get across fast enough. So, a little boy gets out the car to save the turtle and put it in the pond.

    Although the reading level is 9 to12 years old, the illustrations and wording of the book makes it seem like a 4 year old can read it. Over all I think it’s great for kids.