Infographic: Days Absent/Year vs. Cups of Caffeine/Day




A survey of 146 high school students, ages 14-18, asked how much caffeine (coffee, soda, tea, and energy drinks) that student drinks daily and how many days they were absent during the school per year. The above graph shows the relationship between the average numbers of days absent a student is per year and how much caffeine a student drinks daily. The survey was self-reporting, meaning the students answered these questions at their own discretion. The results showed that, typically, the student who drinks more caffeine is absent from school more days than a student who does not drink caffeine. The exception is the students that drink four or more cups of caffeine per day. Only six students drink four or more cups of caffeine per day, and this created a lack of data for that group that may affect the conclusions. In general, the more caffeine a student drinks, the more days absent that student is from school. 

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  1. Is your data in agreement with previous studies on this relationship? Have there been studies on this relationship?

    Overall, this graph is very thought provoking, but it would be interesting to know some other data from your survey. For example, how many teens drank caffeinated beverages of the 146 who were surveyed?

  2. this is interesting. it makes me question whether many of my absences from school are a result from the coffee i drink in the morning. :huh