The streets of Moscow, Russia are overrun with stray dogs—some have even learned to ride the subway to get from place to place. Andrei Poyarkov, a biologist at the A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution in Moscow, who has observed the strays for 30 years, told the Financial Times that in 2010 there were approximately 84 stray dogs per square mile. Many have adapted to their urban environment by using traffic signals to cross streets with pedestrians and developed psychological skills like targeting humans most likely to offer scraps of food. The dogs in Moscow have become part of the landscape of the city. Could this happen in St. Louis?

There are approximately 20,000 stray dogs running the streets of St. Louis and, across the river, through East St. Louis, according to Stray Rescue founder Randy Grim, who has personally observed and rehabilitated thousands of strays over the past 20 years. Stray Rescue, along with Gateway Pet Guardians, are local nonprofit organizations that deal directly with the stray dog problem in St. Louis.
Both Stray Rescue and Gateway Pet Guardians are “no kill” shelters that feed, rescue and rehabilitate street dogs and place them in permanent or foster homes. The work of these organizations has resulted this year in the closing of the city pound, which euthanized many of the captured dogs. The city’s Animal Control Division now refers most of their stray dog calls to Stray Rescue, who receives little to no funding from the city for this responsibility.
Grim tells SciJourner that over 50% of the strays in and around St. Louis are considered feral. The World Organisation for Animal Health, an agency devoted to improving animal health worldwide and whose standards are adopted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, defines a feral dog as “a domestic dog that has reverted back to the wild state and is no longer directly dependent upon humans for successful reproduction.” The feral dogs in St. Louis have never been touched by humans and form packs to help them survive in their search for food and shelter, says Grim. Stray Rescue claims that one female dog and her offspring could produce 67,000 pups in seven years time.
Many of the dogs on the streets are extremely malnourished and suffer from diseases like parvovirus, heartworm, intestinal parasites, and mange—a disease caused by a parasite that lives in the skin, resulting in hair loss and leaving the dog defenseless against extreme cold or the sun’s rays. The average lifespan of a stray on the streets is 1 to 2 years, according to Stray Rescue, as compared to 8 to 16 years for a dog in a home, as stated by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA). Typically, larger dogs have shorter life spans than smaller dogs.
Many stray and feral dogs in St. Louis suffer from diseases. However most of these diseases are not transmissible to humans. Incidents of rabies have drastically decreased in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Prior to 1960, about 100 people died each year of rabies compared to a current average of 2 to 3 deaths per year. This is mainly due to improved vaccination and education. The CDC states that the primary cause of human-related rabies cases in the U.S. are now raccoons, bats, and skunks.
However this is not the case worldwide. Due to limited resources and improper monitoring of the disease in some countries, 90% of human-related rabies cases worldwide are the result of transmission from dogs, says the CDC.
In addition, the National Canine Research Center (NCRC), an organization that publishes, initiates, and distributes research and information on issues related to dogs, states that despite an increase in dog population, incidents of dog bites in Missouri have declined over the past three decades. Although cases of dog-related fatalities grab media attention, the chances of being killed by a dog in Missouri are about the same as being killed by lightning. The NCRC states that in the year 2007, 5 times as many children died from abuse and neglect than from dog attacks over the past 45 years.
Los Angeles, Detroit, New Orleans, and New York are just a few of the U.S. cities claiming to have a problem with stray dog overpopulation and the issue is worse on a global level. While organizations like the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and the ASPCA admit that determining an accurate number of strays in the U.S. is virtually impossible, the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) claims that of the estimated 500 million dogs in the world, 75% are stray. India is estimated to have 30 million strays and Freetown, the capital city of Sierra Leone, is thought to have the highest population density of strays in all of Africa–100,000, according to the WSPA.
In the U.S., the “epidemic of feral and abandoned dogs,” says Stray Rescue, has gotten worse since the 1980’s when an increase in dog fighting coupled with dogs bred for aggressiveness for protection in low income areas lead to unwanted or unmanageable dogs being dumped in abandoned areas of the city to fend for themselves. Most of the dogs found by Stray Rescue are not spayed or neutered, adding to an overpopulation problem, and many that were used in dog fighting as “bait dogs” suffer from lost limbs, open wounds and extreme fear.

The case of football quarterback Michael Vick in 2007 brought national attention to the cruelty of dog fighting and led to the activity becoming a felony in all 50 states. In Missouri, the running of a dog fighting ring or possession of fighting dogs is considered a Class D Felony with up to 10 years in prison. Missouri also toughened laws against spectators of dog fighting, raising a second offense from a misdemeanor to a felony. Two years ago, the HSUS began offering a $5,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of a dogfighter and created a national tip line to help combat the problem on a national level.
A walk through Stray Rescue’s Pine Street facility shows row after row of pure and mixed breed Pit Bulls, Boxers, Chows, Shepherds, and Rottweilers barking loudly and jumping at the glass enclosures and steel bars. The vet clinic houses dogs who bear visible scars caused by malnourishment, transmissible venereal tumors (TVT), and mange, along with invisible scars from mistreatment, abuse and neglect at the hands of people, say volunteers at the clinic.
The feral dogs do not bark, jump, lunge forward, growl or wag their tail when people approach their enclosure. As a pack, they lift their heads in unison and stare. A volunteer at Stray Rescue warns, “They are terrified of humans."
“Rarely do I run across a stray that is trying to hurt me,” says Grim. “They are usually too scared. Once in a while though, you do get confronted with a dangerous situation, but these are usually dogs that are aggressive because they’ve been made that way by the abuse and callousness of humans.” The Stray Rescue organization has shown success in rehabilitating dogs that have been aggressive, fearful and full of disease, with average rehabilitation time taking 6–8 months.
Scientists are now studying the relationship between dogs and humans. The domestication and evolution of dogs is being studied by a group of researchers from Stanford University, the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) and the National Human Genome Research Institute. During the past two years, this trifecta of researchers have taken blood samples from 1,200 stray “village dogs” on five continents in order to begin genotyping strays around the world, according to a press release issued this year by the National Science Foundation.
Last year, the team of geneticists and biologists from UCLA confirmed that most breed dogs originated from the Middle Eastern Gray Wolf, with less than 0.2 % difference in their genetic makeup. Real domestication began around 14,000 B.C. with the rise of agriculture in the Middle East. The small percentage of genetic difference between wolf and dog accounts for all the diversity in domestic breeds, along with a dependence on humans for food and shelter.
Domesticated dogs have lost their instinct to hunt. The strays in St. Louis avoid humans, scavenging through trash during early morning or late night hours, says Grim. Limited opportunities for food contribute to the strays’ malnourishment and disease problems.
Stray Rescue states that the problem of strays in St. Louis is not improving nor getting worse, but rather staying about the same. As Grim and his volunteers rescue dogs daily from the streets, some brought to their doorsteps, like the litter of 8 puppies found the morning of June 28 in the makeshift doghouse in front of the Pine Street facility, other dogs are replacing them–abandoned, thrown out or born on the city streets of St. Louis. The question remains–Is this a dog problem or a human problem?
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First, the city never should have abrogated its responsibility to run animal welfare. That is plain and simple ridiculous and really puts St Louis on the national map as a truly "one horse" town. Embarrassing! Second, you assemble a nice set of facts and then pose a question at the end that is unanswered. As a dog owner and city resident, I know the answer. Any dog that is running wild on the streets needs to be euthanized immediately. Holding/sheltering them or spaying/neutering and holding for adoption is doing nothing to curb the growing population. I for one, have never seen a pack of wild dogs in the city and rarely see one in my neighborhood. The city’s proposal to chip every dog and then penalize the owner is a nice thought, but owners don’t typically let their dogs loose and they certainly exhaust every effort to find them once missing. Stray dogs, unfortunately, by simple volume (per your thesis) need to be put down. And not by some charitable 501(c) organization. It is the city’s responsibility!
I appreciate your perspective on the problem as a city resident and agree that in some cases, humane euthanasia is necessary. It is one way to battle the overpopulation problem, especially on a global level. However I have talked to too many stray dogs owners and foster parents to say that "any dog running wild…" needs to be euthanized. I do think rehabilitation helps solve the problem, even if to a small extent. I, for one, would adopt a stray in a heartbeat if I was home enough to adequately take care of a dog. I talk to more and more people all the time who feel this way. Not to mention, adopting a stray means you’re not adopting a potential puppy mill dog – another "issue" that the whole state of Missouri should be embarrassed about. I believe the source of the problem needs to be addressed and to me, the source seems to be mostly from human abuse and neglect, as in dog fighting and puppy mills, or economic hardships. And I agree, it is the city’s responsibility! But I’m impressed with the work that Stray Rescue does.
I’m glad to see the response of a city resident here, and wonder what a poll of your population would say in response to this issue. Also curious to know what the city is saving in dollars after shirking this responsibility. How concerned are taxpayers, given the low frequency of dog packs, the poor life quality of the strays, and the knowledge that their city is doing nothing but saving money?
WOW! So I guess since Jack Kevorkian is dead, we know who’s taking his place! Damn! You know why you never see a pack of stray dogs? Because I’m sure you never venture out into the places stray rescue does – the places with abandoned homes and properties or more rural areas. I’m sure you never see them since you probably live in some gated community! I’m sure you never venture to the wooded areas around the river front, abandoned factories or pits. I’m so glad not every "stray" that is picked up gets killed or my dogs would be dead already thanks to the cable guy, the lawn guy,or my own mother! Newsflash! Sometimes dogs get out by accident!!! And dogs can travel a far distance before being picked up by animal control or a nice person. I think the city does need to be involved because animal control is about public heath, safety and disease control – not just about getting dogs off the streets. The city should partner with rescues in a combined effort like other communities like the Humane Society for Hamilton County in Indiana does.
First of all "-)octor" obviously you aren’t in the city at the right times. Strays do not run around the city during prime times of the day. That’s because the ignorant residents that caused them to become strays in the first place throw rocks at them, shoot at them, or worse. They have learned to scavenge at night and in the early hours of the morning to avoid people. Also, as a volunteer of Stray Rescue, I have seen first hand that these dogs have value and can be rehabilitated and become wonderful pets. The suggestion that they should all be put down is absolutely ignorant of you. Your comment about the residents of the city not letting their dogs run loose is ridiculous. How do you think these dogs became strays in the first place? Most are abandoned when people foreclose, many are dog fighting rejects, and many are born on the street because the owners from the dog I spoke about above were never spayed or neutered. It’s a people problem "-)octor", not a dog problem. Euthanized immediately….wow, harsh words. Where did your dog come from? Probably not a shelter or you would probably have more compassion to the plight of these dogs.
This was an eye-opening article about an issue, that I, like many native to St. Louis, never even knew existed. The question that you pose regarding the responsibility of solving this issue should be so easily answered by the fact that the stray dogs live their significantly-shortened lives in sickness and neglect. This is an existence that comes, it seems, as a result of having to live the life of a displaced scavenger, trying to survive with the additional obstacles provided by their urban environment, one that is neither hospitable or favorable to these animals. Everything we know about instinct and evolutionary self-preservation tells us that these animals are here because they, or their relatives were brought here…by people. This is our problem.
While the solution of euthanizing thousands of animals is hard to stomach for animal lovers, it also creates the need to examine our role in the issue: how horribly and for how long have we perpetuated this problem by our ignorance of it?
Human problem … strays dont fall out of the sky like some people like to think.
I think it would be great if St.Louis and the metro-east area could be known for their forward thinking about the stray animal problem. Stray Rescue is a source of pride for the whole area, giving St.Louis a dog friendly reputation. Saying that all strays should be euthanized is cruel,archaic and just plain ignorant.These dogs came from somewhere they just did not fall out of the sky, as usual man has created a problem and expects it to just go away because it is not convenient.Strays make wonderful pets and with education and funding for low cost spay and neutering we can start to make a difference.We are their voice and we must talk LOUD.
The facts in you aticle was good but in the 5th paragraph you went off topic at the end.
I love your article and i would want to studie to be a vet and maybe help the stray go down one day.:good:smile
I Highly disagree with you "-)r Mengele" . Why should any animal be put down for just being a stray it’s not like they know any better. Yes Their very overpopulated because of puppy mills and whatever els people are doing but if able to be treated they should be given a chance to be adopted. It’s wrong to euthanize a dog just because their stray. Also dogs wouldnt be "running wildly through the streets". It’s not the dogs fault its the owners fault they should of never taken on the responsibility of a dog or any animal if they can’t proply care for it or keep it in their house or yard. Also dogs only are mean or visous if the owner makes it.You can blame it on the carless people we have in our country or state or whatever. They shouldnt be put down for their owners stupitidy.
i like this srticle becauseit says that the dogs know how to ride a train which i think is very smart
well me personally i think Randy and his crew should continue there hard work
This was a very informational article
reall brings out what is really happening
The dogs should be neutered to help stop the over population of the stray and the city government should help fund money to keep this shelter running.
This makes me very sad. I wanna move to St. louis and help every dog there.
[list][/list] pack of dogs are to be taken serious because of the ratio of 0 food source they are consider our enemies if they attack another animal believe you me I would heed to warning and safety alerts one a basement is safe cellphone and
My name is Zach and the dog in the middle is my dog it is a male about a year and 4 months his name is Cosmo he is black white with a little brown I live in hazelwood st.louis on Landseer can I get the website where the picture was taken