Topic Chooser Helper

Created by Rob Lamb

Time: 45 minutes

Resources, Materials, Technology:

  • Laptop
  • Topic Chooser Helper


Take Home:

  • This is the first attempt the students have to pass muster on their topic choice. It usually becomes very apparent very quickly at this point that the student understands their topic or doesn’t and also is able to find proper data or not.


Lesson Structure and Procedures:

Day 1: 45 minutes in length

  • Students need to choose 5 possible topics after the teacher has gone over a GO/NO GO list of topics and what makes a successful topic.
  • Student then refine topic choices down by going through the next two questions.
  • Then taking the best three to the next step the student must find 3 good resources for each of the 3 topics.
  • At this point the student must choose their favorite and list any personal connections to the topic.
  • The teacher will then review the topic and if the best choice is the student’s favorite just sign off. If not then the teacher will need to have a short conference with the student to better refine topics or pick totally new topics.
  • Once student gets go ahead they may move forward on the Infographic benchmark.


Follow Up/Extensions:

  • Have discussion about what makes a good source send them to infographic research




Topic Chooser Helper


Name ______________________________ Date ______ Hr.__


  1. Choosing a topic can be daunting. Please try to fill out the following to help you on your way to a great infographic.



List your 5 topics. Please list five to make the process easier.







  1. Of the five topics above please list below all topics that involve science.







  1. Of the five original topics please list below all topics that can be represented visually and contain data.







  1. Please choose your top three choices that are listed in both questions 2 and 3 and go find 3 creditable websites for each of the topics and list them below.


Topic 1:
Source 1:
Creditable: Yes / No /   ?? Useful:   Yes / No /   ?? Has Data: Yes / No / ??
Source 2:
Creditable: Yes / No /   ?? Useful:   Yes / No /   ?? Has Data: Yes / No / ??
Source 3:
Creditable: Yes / No /   ?? Useful:   Yes / No /   ?? Has Data: Yes / No / ??




Topic 2:
Source 1:
Creditable: Yes / No /   ?? Useful:   Yes / No /   ?? Has Data: Yes / No / ??
Source 2:
Creditable: Yes / No /   ?? Useful:   Yes / No /   ?? Has Data: Yes / No / ??
Source 3:
Creditable: Yes / No /   ?? Useful:   Yes / No /   ?? Has Data: Yes / No / ??




Topic 3:
Source 1:
Creditable: Yes / No /   ?? Useful:   Yes / No /   ?? Has Data: Yes / No / ??
Source 2:
Creditable: Yes / No /   ?? Useful:   Yes / No /   ?? Has Data: Yes / No / ??
Source 3:
Creditable: Yes / No /   ?? Useful:   Yes / No /   ?? Has Data: Yes / No / ??






5.Which topic is your favorite of the five listed?





6.Why? Do you have a personal connection to it.


Download a Microsoft Word version here:

Topic Chooser Helper

2015-08-17T21:50:20-05:00August 16th, 2015|Curriculum Resources, One Class|