Getting Started
Get inspired by these creative infographics made by other students for their class infographic project.
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Check out our Infographic Creation Walkthroughs to get a sense of what goes into making a good infographic.
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IG Posters
Still not sure where to start? Take a look at our Infographic Creation Guidelines posters to help you on your way.
Data and Charts
Sites for Data
Having trouble finding useful data for your topic? Here are some recommended sites and bookmarked links organized by topic.
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Working with Data
The do’s and don’ts of analyzing data and the easy way to creating charts that support your claim.
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Using Venngage
Are you having trouble using Venngage? Here’s some tips and tricks on getting familiar with the online infographic creation tool.
Information and Graphic Design
Coming Soon! Introductory graphic design techniques and how to make infographics engaging and meaningful.
Free-to-use Images
Many images and illustrations you find online are copyright. Avoid violating copyright laws by using creative commons licensed images or royalty-free images. The SLI Community Image Library has a variety of quality vector images to choose from. They are CC-licensed and free to use.
Free images online
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