3.4 Seek out feedback

3.4 Seek out feedback2018-08-10T15:11:44-05:00
Infographic Critique Guidelines

If you are workin independently, share the first draft of your infographic with a trusted peer or colleague. Ask them for feedback. They can use the Infographic Critique Guidelines as a loose reference. (Session 5.2 goes into specific tips on providing feedback as a teacher.)

Infographic Critique Guidelines

If you are working in a group, consider doing a gallery walk. For a classroom-based example, see Jim White’s lesson on prepping for a gallery walk (DOC), and on providing peer critiques in a gallery walk (DOC). You can also reference the Infographic Critique Guidelines above.

Also check out a peer review activity that focuses on the visual representation of the infographic rather than just the text: Audience Feedback for Infographics (DOCX)